These are worrying times for everyone. People are worried about jobs, about keeping safe, what’s going to happen to their holiday this year, when will the kids go back to school, the list is a long and as this lockdown continues there will be more things to worry about and add to it.
We have become used to the statements being put out each day by the government , giving us the latest updates on Covid-19 and their strategies and next steps. Their message about saving lives and protecting the NHS consistent throughout. Whether we totally agree or not with what’s being said, these daily briefings are as much about reassurance as they are about giving us the latest information or advice. The message is consistent in terms of its overall content and frequency and we have come to expect it.
Brands need to be the same with their communication strategy during these uncertain times. While the content may change due to the current situation, brands that maintain a continuous flow of communication, whether through social media channels, news updates, content or whatever, will be in a better position when this crisis ends. The reason for this is that they have continued to reassure and remind us that they’re out there, in this like we are and they’re OK.
Dominos put out messages reassuring us that their pizzas are as good as ever and made in safe conditions with a safe delivery policy to match. That’s good to know. Messages like this give brands the edge over the competition now and when lockdown ends.
This is not the time to cut back on your communication strategy. There’s a market out there wanting reassurance and consistency in these very unsettled times. They are also open to suggestion and they want to be inspired.
So, get creative, be inspirational and above all be reassuring.