3 Things You Must Do To Get The Business Digital Marketing Ready for 2018
With 2018 coming at you like a juggernaut is your business good and ready? It’s not too late to get yourself, your team and the business in good shape to start the New Year. Here’s a checklist of things you need to do between now and January 1st to be Digital Marketing Ready.
Go through your business accounts.
Check your suppliers, your clients your vendors and so on and see what’s working and what isn’t. You may be able to re adjust your spending or cut back in some areas. Look at the tools you’re using – SEO, analytics, website plugins etc – and check that you’re using them to their full capacity. Maybe you can get some for free, maybe it’s worth investing in others. I’ll be posting a list of free digital marketing tools available next so keep an eye out for that, or better still, subscribe to our newsletter – info@realitypr.co.uk and you’ll get all the latest posts and news.
Plan your marketing campaign
If you haven’t already done so its time to get the calendar out and whip that plan into shape. Look at your goals, your objectives and how you are going to achieve them next year. Look at your digital marketing. How is your SEO doing and how is your site performing? How about conversion optimisation. What’s your social media plan? Who’s managing your content marketing and your ideas for next year? Look at the marketing events, seminars and training you should be considering. I’ll be posting a list of the best and the latest marketing events and training for 2018 later this week. It’s important in marketing to have a big picture of the year ahead. Its not rigid, you can always tweak it, but your marketing goals should be planned separately to ensure they steer your business objectives.
Get round the table with your team or business partner and get planning. Look at your competitors. What did they do? What keywords are they ranking on? Check out at SEM Rush, it’s all there. How were their social media activities? Where were they advertising?
Look at your media relations. Consider how you can get to the influencers, the right publications for your business and with what messages. Take a look at what’s trending and what will be the new focus next year. What’s your PR plan and what new things can you try?
Check in with your customers and clients.
Keep your clients and customers happy and make them feel loved. Get dates in the diary to meet with your clients in the New Year and go over their plans for 2018. Maybe you could send them a gift. Be involved, be in their thought process and a part of their objectives. Also, connect with your social media followers – LinkedIn connections, Facebook, twitter. Reconnect with those you haven’t contacted for a while.
Just take a moment to reflect on this year. What could you have done better and what opportunities did you miss?