Every brand and business must think about how to communicate during a crisis, and with most people across the world still on lockdown there are more people at home and online. People are engaging on social media and consuming news online than ever before. According to a recent report in Campaign usage on TikTok alone was up by 27% in March compared to the same time last year. Online publications are also seeing spikes in daily traffic.
You need to use this opportunity to communicate with your markets but you need to be strategic. Here are five tips.
1) Be positive
Positivity wins in this current climate. I’m not suggesting that you pretend that everything is peachy – of course it isn’t – so you need to be honest which means no spin. However, think about prioritising positive stories in this current crisis. It is a balancing act for any brand or personal brand.
2. Be honest
I can’t stress this enough. During a time of crisis your audience will look to you to provide information that is true and trustworthy. Honesty is what’s needed to maintain your brand equity. Don’t risk losing market trust and credibility by pushing out stories that are simply spin.
3) Use visuals
There is a tremendous amount of content out there, lots of features and articles. Think how you can use visuals or videos to get your message across.
4) Doesn’t have to be COVID-19 related.
The media are looking for other stories too. Fashion, health and wellbeing, DIY, gardening and so on. Think about putting out great content that is focused, illustrating your expertise and providing great quality to readers and listeners.
5) Your Audience
OK, so they might not be clients/buyers yet, but perhaps they will be in the future. What are you communicating with them? Can you provide value that illustrates your expertise and encourages them to interact?
If you can help what can you do? Look how Domino’s is offering free Pizza to NHS workers around the country. Think about what you could do.
With people being home, this is an opportunity for increased traffic online so ramp up activity but make sure it’s strategic.